Show a split-screen view instead of a janky window on top of everything
Improve details, make it easier to tell what the hell is going on
Show standards and colours on all map views
Remove pagination, it's just annoying
Hide and summarise decisions, click button to see outcomes
Show pending, hide processed and cancelled until buttons are clicked
Link to land where decision originates so user can
Add links to land from decision, similar labels on units
Details of kingdom the land belongs to
Improve labelling for transfers - it gets tricky to figure out who you're sending things to when there are a lot of units
Current decision displayed on unit
More details generally
Show arrow to indicate direction of movement
Allow clicking to view individual decision so it can be deleted, this would help when there is a long list of decisions
Messaging is pretty garbage, it needs a re-think
Show alerts to player when attacked/in battles, at the moment they have to look in processed decisions to see details of battle results
Change population growth to decimal so that players can't split units and make their population grow faster artificially
Show more details on the game selection list
Bug fixing and more checks on all decisions to ensure they are valid
Saturday 10 August 2024
Fixed error where military units could not cause damage to civilian units.
Wednesday 7 August 2024
When a new game is created, the player starts with 4 units and basic resources instead of just a single farming unit.
Fixed error where lands which were previously conquered could not be conquered again.
Fixed behaviour of land management page - shows menu if not accessed from map.
Saturday 3 August 2024
Sunday 28 July 2024
Added land overlay to map - no longer have to load new page. Highly experimental, let me know what you think!
Saturday 27 July 2024
When Auto Food Distribution is checked, your units in foreign lands will automatically distribute food between each other proportionately.
Added graphs to map resource display.
Thursday 25 July 2024
Users who make no decisions for 3 turns will now automatically have their "end turn" status switched on.
Dead unit fixes - users who do not have a unit in the same land cannot control the dead unit's resources any more. Dead units now appear under their own heading.
Main map now has third option - MY UNITS. This displays every unit you have wthin a all lands, so it should be easier to keep track of them.
Tuesday 23 July 2023
Security issue fixed - malicious code can no longer be inserted in name/description of land (hopefully).
Added filter for bad words.
Mining productivity rates now display on main map.
Monday 22 July 2023
Moved conquer button to outside detail boxes - other buttons will be moved here in future.
Improved structure of unit boxes so they don't break when more info added.
Map displays kingdoms by default instead of rainfall.
When players conquer another kingdom, their lands are absorbed into the new kingdom.
Friday 19 July 2024
Player redirected back to land page instead of Decisions page when making new decisions.
Map image added to land management page which returns to map when clicked - so users don't have to find map in menu to return.
Wednesday 17 July 2024
Added explanation of how upgrades are calculated to front page
Fixed standard upload issue - users couldn't upload new standard
The user's own standard was displaying on foreign units - fixed
Monday 15 July 2024
Made improvements to standard display on land/unit details.
Sunday 14 July 2024
Added game settings - players can now change the name, description, and turn length of games they create. They can also end turns early, and delete the game altogether if they wish.
Change the turn length of the first game to 24hrs, it was just moving too slowly...
Fixed message button displaying at wrong time
Stats page fixed - wasn't displaying anything!
Modified settings page.
Saturday 13 July 2024
We now have 9 players in the first ever game.
Discovered some players can create multiple split unit decisions per turn. This must be stopped!
Login processed fixed - proper checks for invalid characters and warnings added.
Added unread message counter to menu, which required far more changes than expected...
Fixed duplicate split unit decision - players can no longer create multiple split unit decisions per turn.
Made some improvements to decisions code.
Errors should display correctly on decisions page, wasn't working correctly before.
When a user does not have multiple units, do not display merge units button.